While we wait for Magnus Karlsen to make his first move (E4?), here’s a solution walk-through of the second Packet Capture Analysis challenge.
Spoilers ahead
While we wait for Magnus Karlsen to make his first move (E4?), here’s a solution walk-through of the second Packet Capture Analysis challenge.
Spoilers ahead
The Sharkminator returns.
Round two of #Wiresharklympics is here! Having survived round one, you know the drill. The tiny specs of data that allow services like Facebook and the Internet to work will be put under heavy scrutiny.
Wireshark has reached a stable release of 2.2.1 and is eagerly awaiting new challenges.
The Sharkminator
Vacation’s over. Your networks have been underutilized for a good long month now. Time to get back to the trenches. Why not start things off with a proper packet analysis challenge? At least fire up Wireshark to see if there’s an auto-update waiting for you?
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